Showing posts with label healthy eating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy eating. Show all posts

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

I'm Back!!!!!!

 Hey All!

Finally, I am back.  I know I don't have too many followers, but I would like to apologize for my lack of posts.  Life has gotten difficult lately, which has led to the decrease in blog posts. But anyway, I am back! And I will be keeping up with posts now!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Wednesday's Meals and an Update!

Hey Guys!

Sorry for not posting for forever, but it's the university's Reading Week here in in Canada, so Alex and I decided to take a little road trip to the States.  We stopped and picked up about fifty records which was awesome!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Gluten Free Chocolate Cookies!


Finally, I am posting the recipe to the most delicious chocolate chip cookies! I found this recipe on Food Renegade and they were absolutely amazing!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Day Two of Juicing


So today I woke up feeling very energetic considering I only had about four hours of sleep.  The weather in Southern Ontario was crazy today, we had at least twenty centimeters of snow in less than a twenty four hour period. It was crazy! Today also marked the second day of my Juice Cleanse.  If you haven't already, check out how Day One went here.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Day One of Juicing

Hey Guys!!

So today marks the first day of our juice cleanse! My mom and I have found that we both have eaten terribly lately, and all the junk has been taking it's toll on our bodies.  I've broken out and just felt very sluggish and grumpy.  We thought that it may be beneficial to do a juice cleanse to try and clean our systems a little bit.   I researched juice cleanses thoroughly before I started this.  
 Obviously doing a juice cleanse for a long time can be unhealthy, so I decided to only do this
cleanse for 3 days.  I also read up a lot on Reboot With Joe and he suggested drinking five juices a day and have a meal of just fruits or vegetables for dinner.  I decided that this was the route that I wanted to take. I'm hoping that this cleanse will restart my system and get me into healthier habits, like turning to fruits and vegetables only for snacks rather than chips and dip!

Monday, 3 February 2014

Quick Wraps

Hey Guys!

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted, another very busy weekend!

I was so tired last night when I got home, but I knew I had to make my lunch for work.  I find that if I wait until the morning to make my lunch, it's never anything healthy! I'm really trying to get into healthy eating habits, and little switches like that really help to make your weight loss journey even easier.

Friday, 31 January 2014

Flourless Peanut Butter Blondies

Hey Guys!

Today was Alex's birthday so I decided to make him a delicious treat.  He doesn't really like icing or birthday cake, but he does love the Blondies that Detoxinista makes.  I gave him the entire pan of brownies at midnight last night, and they're all gone now!  The best thing about these Blondies is that they are incredibly easy to make.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Motivational Pictures!

Hey Guys!

Sometimes when I'm at home, I just get way too comfy laying in my bed, and can not be motivated to go workout.  I find that when I am in a mood like that, it helps to look at some motivational pictures.  I decided to post a few of my favourites in case you are feeling that way as well! Pinterest is great for finding motivational pictures, so there is no credit to me here, just ones that I liked on Pinterest!

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Sephy and Tegan wanted to help bake!
Hey Guys!

Well, it's back to hibernation time in Ontario! It's minus thirty again here, and all I've been wanting to do is go for a long walk outside.  It's too cold to do that, so I headed to the gym yesterday! It was the first time I went to the gym in 2014, and man, my body certainly feels it today. But it was so great to be back, I ended up doing an hour and fifteen minutes of cardio, which felt amazing!

When I got home, I was craving chocolate chip cookies, which would have definitely ruined my productive gym visit! I decided to make healthier chocolate chip cookies!

Monday, 13 January 2014

Another Year, Another Fitness Blog...

Hello All!

As 2014 opens I'm sure you've all seen multiple fitness blogs, or healthy living blogs, created as people try to stick to their New Year's Resolution.  Personally, I think that's great! There's nothing better than finding other people to share your journey to becoming healthy, and that is why I've decided to make this blog.

I've found time and time again that I would fall into a rigid schedule of going to the gym every day, doing the same cardio, weights, cardio workout and never try anything new.  Lately though, I have not been feeling motivated at all to go to the gym and do the same routine.

I've decided that in order for me to get fit, I'm going to have to try some new activities.

I thought by blogging about the different fitness activities I am trying I will accomplish multiple things.  I will get to hear from some readers ideas they'd like to see me try, I'd get to meet some friends who are also interested in getting healthy and want to share ideas, and, keeping up a blog is motivation to stick to getting healthy.

So, join me, my Polar Watch that counts my calories, and more often than not my mom, on this journey to becoming healthy and fit!