Sunday, 26 January 2014

The Importance of Cleaning Your Fruit!

Hey Guys!

Today my mom and I went and did our weekly grocery shopping at an Asian market near our house.  It's great there because the prices are so cheap! I mean you definitely can not go wrong with five dollars for two pints of blackberries! The one downfall to this place though is that it can get very, very busy.  Especially on the weekends. 

As we were shopping I noticed that most of the produce was being handled, and all I could think of were all the germs on the fruits and vegetables.  I am a bit of a germaphobe,  so the second I got home I knew I had to thoroughly wash my fruits and vegetables.

My method of washing produce is very simple.  I clean my sink and wipe it down with a disinfect wipe to make sure that it is clean.  I then fill it up about half way with warm water and add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar.  I then put all my produce in to the sink and let it soak for ten minutes.  If you do use this method, make sure you stir all the fruit occasionally.

Once the fruit has soaked for about ten minutes, I drain the sink and let the fruit dry out for about half an hour.  After that I mix it all up and store it in tupperwares for easy access throughout the week!

Washing your fruit is incredibly easy and very beneficial for you and your family.  Not only are the germs from other people touching them all over the fruit, but the pesticides that are sprayed on it are harmful to ingest.  If you are interested in learning more about the importance of washing your produce, you can check out this interesting article here!

Be sure to check back throughout for some Banana Pancakes!

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